In an age where the gender divide has become leaner than ever, we wish that we did not have to draw attention to this particular topic. However, remnants of a “Boys Club” mentality continues to persist in the dark corners of the tattoo industry, even here in a more enlightened Vancouver BC. As a result, a number of women still feel uncomfortable walking into a tattoo studio solo. They are concerned about being ogled at, especially when getting a tattoo on a more intimate part of the body. Do you feel this way? Many others do too. Open up another web browser and start searching “female friendly tatt…” and you’ll witness Google autocomplete “female friendly tattoo shops near me” which indicates that you’re unfortunately not alone.

This stressor is not exclusive to the industry mind you, as for the very same reason fitness centers throughout the city still have women’s only workout areas. While women’s only tattoo studios would only serve to grow the divide, a fundamental change is needed to create a more welcoming environment. In response, Sleight of Hand (SOH) tattoo studio is answering your call. Here’s how.

How Sleight of Hand Tattoo Studio in Vancouver BC Has Created a More Female Friendly and Inclusive Environment

Gender Equality in Staffing

SOH didn’t set out to smash the gender divide when staffing our studio. Equality “just happened” when selecting tattooists based solely on talent, skill, creativity, and personality. No matter who you choose to do your tattoo you will be treated with professionalism and respect. That said, we know that some women prefer to be tattooed by another woman, which is why you’ll be pleased to know that SOH has female tattoo artists that specialize in a diverse array of styles to accommodate your preferences. Whether you prefer blackwork, fine-line, vibrant illustrative tattoos, or something beyond/between, we’ve got you covered. View SOH artist bios to learn more.

Not Your Grandfather’s Tattoo Studio

Staffing is one thing, but another way SOH has toppled down the walls of the Old Boys’ Club was to create a wholly unique studio environment. Our downtown Vancouver shop exhibits unmatched attention to detail in interior design and decor. We have incorporated organic tones and introduced lush flora to create a more inspiring and welcoming space. Our body jewelry displays along premium attire and accessories make it feel like a fashion boutique in addition to an upscale tattoo studio.

We invite you to come on down to our downtown Vancouver tattoo shop to experience the difference. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.



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Sleight of Hand

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