Can Tattoos Be Classy

Can tattoos ever be classy? Absolutely! Of course, we understand the question, as for a long time tattoos were considered only for sailors, bikers, and ballers. But a lot has changed in the most recent millennia, especially within the last decade. Tattoos are now as much a part of society as ear piercings and are commonplace in the most traditional of corporate settings. In fact, they can help you build your personal brand in a variety of industries. Even the Pope has recommended them.

That said, if whether or not a tattoo can be classy is your concern, then you want to put more thought into where you get it done. Below is a breakdown of everything you need to consider.

3 Things to Consider to Make Sure Your New Tattoo Meets Your Definition of Class and Sophistication

Choosing the Right Tattoo Studio

Don’t walk into any run of the mill tattoo shop in downtown Vancouver if you want to walk out with a sophisticated tattoo. Tell them that you want a “classy” work of body art and they’ll roll their eyes behind your back (as they tattoo it). Instead, choose an upscale, boutique studio that unequivocally puts the wants and desires of the client (you) first. How do you find such a place? Here is our guide for how to choose a tattoo studio in the new world.

Connect to the Right Artist

The criteria for a tattoo to be deemed “classy” is highly subjective. However, there are styles that are more aesthetically pleasing to even the most highfalutin eye. You will want an artist that specializes in black and grey styles, and/or a tattooist with a penchant for clean minimalist lines. You don’t need to avoid color or more intricate details mind you, as an illustrative tattooist inspired by animals, mysticism, and flora can also convey a sense of class that traditional artists may bypass. Ultimately, we encourage you to take your time not only when choosing a tattoo studio (as per above) but also when considering the artist who will place the work of art on your body. Far too often people will accept whatever artist a tattoo shop has available on any given day.  But given that you’re in search of something more polished and cosmopolitan, don’t accept whomever just happens to be working. Please reference our guide for what to look for when choosing a tattoo artist.

Find Designs That Match What You Want

While the right artist will be able to design something based upon your call for a sophisticated tattoo, it’s always a good idea to bring in a few examples of what you have in mind. Again, everyone’s definition of classy is subjective, and what one considers to be avant-garde you may see as pretentious. Help your artist realize your vision by combing through resources to find what you’re looking for, even if you’re not fully sure at this time. Architectural design and fashion magazines are a place to start, but a simple online search for classy tattoos that use keywords of things you’re interested in (i.e. flowers, sea life, etc.) will open up an endless scroll of possibilities. Sit down as your favorite cafe, and devote a few hours to this worthy task. It will pay off in the long run as you enjoy your tattoo for decades to come.


There’s only one place to get the type of tattoo you have in mind when in Vancouver. Contact Sleight of Hand today to schedule your consultation.

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Sleight of Hand

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